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How Can I Read My Raw Access Logs Through My Web Hosting Control Panel?


How Can I Read My Raw Access Logs Through My Web Hosting Control Panel?

In the above video, we explain how to read your raw access logs. To view your logs, you will need a.GZ file decompression program like 7-zip and a file viewer. We use an HTML editor, but there are a lot of file viewer programs out there, and many are free.

To read your logs, go to your control panel, and under logs, download “Raw Access Logs”. Go to your file manager with windows and “unzip” the file. Next, change the file extension to .txt so you can open it with a file editor. You can open the file with Notepad and copy it, and paste it into your file editor, or you can open it directly with a file editor or in our case, an HTML editor.
With the data you can see actions on your server and website including the IP address, date and time of the action/visit, the URL (web address) accessed, the status code (was it successful? 200 success, 404 file not found, 302 redirect, etc.), referrer (where did your traffic come from?), browser, operating system, and agent identifier (was it a bot?).