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How Do I Use the Dashboard in WordPress?


How Do I Use the Dashboard in WordPress?

In this tutorial, we will be showing you how to use the dashboard. Using the dashboard is a fundamental part of running your WordPress website, and everyone should be familiar with using it.

When you log into WordPress, the first thing you are going to see is the WordPress dashboard. The panel provides you with useful information on your website, statistics, and sometimes software plugin notifications.

You will have “widgets” (not to be confused with your Theme widgets) that will offer news and other information on your site. You can drag and drop the widgets in different positions.

You can also minimize the widgets by clicking the down arrow icon in the far upper right-hand corner of the widget. Some of the dashboard widgets also offer useful links for configuration.

In the top right-hand corner, you will see pull-down tabs for screen options and help. Pulling down the screen options tab provides you with customization options for your dashboard, and offers control of the widgets that you wish to show or to turn off. The help tab provides menu links to customize your dashboard, and also documentation for customization and support. On the left-hand side of the dashboard, you will find menu links that go to different areas of the WordPress website. When you click on a menu item, in many cases there will be a sub-menu that will appear below. Hovering your mouse over the menu items will also display the sub-menu as well.

You can click on any of the sub-menu links, and that will take you to any area of your site. The dashboard menu link will show you any updates and basic statistics on your website. The post area is where you can create a new blog post and edit the current blog post as well. You can also manage the tags and categories from that area as well. The media menu link allows you to add new media and manage your existing media that is located in your media library. The pages menu link allows you to manage or edit different pages on your website. The comments menu link provides comments management to your WordPress blog, and you can approve, delete, or mark comments as spam from that area. Appearance is used to manage your theme, your WordPress widgets, and manage your menu.

The plugins menu link provides you with options to add additional software to enhance the capabilities of your WordPress website. The “Installed Plugins” area of the sub-menu allows you to activate and deactivate plugins on your site. The users are where you can add and manage user profiles including where you can change the user’s password, email address, and even the screen name. You can also edit your profile from that area. The tools give you powerful tool including importing and exporting content on your WordPress website.

The settings option is where most of your site’s settings are maintained including your site’s name, privacy, and permalink settings. At the very top of the page is the admin bar that provides easy access to commonly used features if your WordPress website.

If you are having issues operating your WordPress website or need help designing your site, feel free to contact Our Omaha web design and web hosting company at 402-813-4034, or fill out our contact form.