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Websnoogie Offers Cloudflare and Amazon Cloudfront CDN to Clients (speeds your website up!)

A cartoon picture of a cloud
In an effort to provide the best visitor experience possible, Websnoogie is now offering cloud delivery (content delivery network) for our existing clients and will be adding it as a product in the future.

CDN’s use a process called caching and is a way of distributing your images, HTML, video, and scripts faster.

You have two options for setting up Cloudflare:

1) Setting it up in your control panel (at the bottom under Software/Services) and getting a free account. Starting with Cloudflare allows using the benefits of Cloudflare with limitations on setting up rules for different pages, etc. (I want to turn it off on

2) Option #2 is we will assist you in setting up your website on a Cloudflare plan for a minimal fee with a paid account, or you can set it up yourself.

Before you start, there are possible issues with CDN’s.

1) Some of your web scripts may not work properly. Because a CDN’s will usually compress java script and CSS, the compression may cause issues.

2) If your website is using an SSL certificate, after the switch to the CDN, you will need to use the Cloudflare or Amazon SSL that comes with your account and not your SSL (minor issue unless you have a branded SSL and a business account with Cloudflare).

It is recommended that if you are using CDN’s and have a WordPress website, you probably want to install the WP Super Cache or W3 Total Cache plugin. Both have CDN support, and can also be used as a stand-alone caching application.

For more information, call 402-813-4034, or contact us, and we will be happy to help.

*Restrictions may apply depending on the size of your business.

Tags: Amazon Cloud Computing CloudFlare