One of the most significant obstacles to reselling products including web hosting is having the capability to control the end-user price. Experienced affiliate marketers will tell you that sending out advertising specials on the web is not always a viable option because you have to go back and change the web ads when the special is over. When you are representing a company, you can sometimes get special permission to “cut the price” from a manager, yet, the process takes time, and you could lose a prospective web hosting client.
Websnoogie has come up with what we think is the best solution for this problem. We are now offering our primary web hosting packages in bulk to our resellers. Using this model for web design and hosting resellers provides you with the opportunity to adjust your end-user pricing at any time. You will receive a unique authorization code that will give you up to 50% off the standard rates for web hosting. Bulk resellers MUST provide any specials or discounts, so we know at our office.
What this means to new clients is the special or discount will apply to the first year of web hosting and our resellers to provide discounts at will.
You can become a Websnoogie Reseller by reading our reseller web design and hosting blog post. Resellers can contact us by fill out a support ticket.