WordPress allows you to embed your videos from websites like Youtube and Vimeo. To add a video, just copy the video URL (web address) and put it on a line by itself. WordPress will automatically format the video for you into the post. If you want to add a line of text next to your video, use the “[“embed”]”URL”[“/embed”]” (without the quotes), then place those words around the front and the back of the video URL, and format you text around where you are embedding your video at.
Another way of adding video from Youtube is to go to the Youtube video that you want to insert, and clicking the share tab and copying the embed code. Now, go back to your post or page and click on the text tab that is located on the right-hand side of the text editor, and then pasting in your code. When you are finished, click the “Preview” button to preview your video, or the “Publish” button to publish your video for the world to see.
How Do I Embed Videos in WordPress?
How Do I Embed Videos in WordPress?