Omaha Gives 24

We have nonprofit customers across Nebraska. Below are some of our Omaha nonprofits who are engaged in Omaha Gives 24. We have learned a lot while working with these nonprofits, and we find that the services they provide make up the fabric of Omaha itself. Because of the valuable services provided, we also feel that anyone who has the ability should donate to these very worthy organizations.

1. NAMI Nebraska Helps the Omaha Community

NAMI NebraskaNAMI Nebraska is the state chapter of the National Alliance on Mental Illness. NAMI Nebraska serves the community by providing much needed support groups and educational programs for mental health challenges. NAMI provides support groups throughout the state and in Omaha that serves thousands of people per year. NAMI also offers a 12 week education program called Family-to-Family that is for those who give support to others and the program called Basics, focused on young children. These programs are offered at no cost so no one is denied service based on ability to pay.

If you have a mental health issue, there is a group for you. If you have a family member with a mental health problem and you want to support them in a better way, there is a class to help with that. If you have a child with a mental health issue, there is an education program for caregivers. NAMI Nebraska also provides education throughout Nebraska so people can better understand the challenges and success in the area mental health. Again, everything that NAMI offers is at no cost to the community, but the results of their support groups have been proven clinically effective. NAMI provides Nebraska over a million dollars in free care for our residents in a year.

NAMI Nebraska is about helping people reach their hopes, dreams, and goals in life, but it is also about saving lives. Sometimes these community services are the last line of defense when someone has given up the clinicians and the system. Since volunteers with lived experience run all of the classes and support groups, the cost of the organization of providing service is extremely of cost effective. One out of five people are affected by a mental illness, and we hope you will consider helping us reach out to support those in Nebraska through your support, your time and your donation.

Go to the Omaha Gives page for NAMI Nebraska:

2. The Nebraska Family Support Network Assists Families in Omaha

Nebraska Family Support Network is a Websnoogie ClientThe Nebraska Family Support Network provides several services to the Omaha community. They offer court-reporting services and family mentoring that help brings families back together that are in crisis. Besides helping so many families in Omaha, like NAMI, they save Omaha thousands of dollars per year in cost that will be spent if the families remained separated. NFSN, also offer support groups for families that are in distress over the behavior of their children. The support groups provide a lifeline literally to families that do not know what to do, and they receive peer support from other parents who have experienced the same thing.

In addition to these valuable services, they also provide the Family Navigators for the Nebraska Family Helpline (you may have seen the commercials on TV). They meet with the families to help connect them to services that will benefit them with a troubled child.

The organization runs on a very lean budget, and with state and federal funding being cut they need your help. Please consider a donation for Omaha Gives.

Go to the Omaha Gives website and make a donation to NFSN:

3. Senior Health Foundation Takes Care of Our Elderly in Omaha

Senior Health Foundation helps fill the gaps in critical programs for low-income seniors in Omaha through Midwest Geriatrics, Inc. MGI is a non-profit, 501c3 management company for Florence Home Healthcare, Royale Oaks and House of Hope Assisted Livings, and House of Hope Alzheimer’s Care.

We are committed to serving all individuals with dignity and respect. 75% of the residents in our care are Medicaid recipients, a payor that few organizations are willing or able to accept due to the disparity between reimbursement and the actual cost of care. In our living communities, individuals find a warm, inviting home with skilled and compassionate caregivers who provide whole-person care, with an emphasis on enhancing the lives of every person in our care.

They have worked hard all their lives and deserve gratitude for their contributions. Please help us show appreciation for their life contributions as we continue to serve them with the respect and dignity that they so richly deserve.

By financially supporting Senior Health Foundation, you will be assisting us to further our mission of “Inspiring the individuals we serve to live life to the fullest as they age.”

It is through the generosity of the Omaha community that we have been able to sustain our mission for over 110 years. Please support Senior Health Foundation during Omaha Gives this year!
Visit and give to SHF on the Omaha Gives website:

4. The DCCMHC Foundation helps to Fund Activities and Special Needs at Douglas County Community Mental Health Center

Douglas County Community Mental Health Center is a Websnoogie ClientDouglas County Community Mental Health Center has provided mental health services to thousands of people in the Omaha area.

The Douglas County, Community Mental Health Center Foundation, helps patients who have special needs that can not be met with other funding options. Also, the Douglas County Community Mental Health Center Foundation provides some funding for special activities for patients. They also fund some recognition activities for employees as well. Many of us in the Omaha area have had a family member who has received services from the Douglas County Community Mental Health Center. The only funding for the DCCMHC Foundation is from the donations that you provide. This worthy organization needs your help. Please consider giving to the DCCMHC Foundation during Omaha Gives 2017.

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