Adding links or what is known as hyperlinks in your WordPress post or pages can help the visitor navigate to useful information on your website. Adding links increases usability and interactions that make your site more search-friendly.
The use of hyperlinks allows you to link to a different page, post, or a different web address. To create a hyperlink, go to the text editor located in the lower half of your screen (where your page or post text is found), highlight the text that you wish to link. Click the create link or edit icon (looks like a chain link) on the toolbar (located just above the area where you edit text). A popup dialog box will appear, and the first text entry box is where you enter the web page web address (URL) that you would like to link to on your post or page.
The next text entry box is where your place the title of the link and that is useful when the visitor hovers over it. Below these two entry areas is a checkbox option that you can use so when a hyperlink is clicked; it will open in a new window in the user’s browser, or stay the link will open in the same window. Our general rule is that if you are linking to a different website, then you will check the box, so it opens in a new window. Next, you have a down arrow that if clicked, lets you select the content on your website that you will link to in your page or post. Also, this area offers a search box so you can search for that content. If you are using the search box, just click on the page or post that you would like to link to, and the URL and title fields will automatically populate.
Lastly, click the “Add Link” button and now you link shown by underlining the text in your page or post. To remove the hyperlink, just highlight the text again and click the unlink icon on the text editor toolbar. On the right side of the screen, click “Preview” to preview changes or click “Update” to update and republish your post or page for the world to see.
If you need help with designing your WordPress website, or you have questions, feel free to call our [tooltip id=”637dee41055251043d93588054975b44″]Omaha web design[/tooltip] and web hosting company at 402-813-4034, or fill out our support form.[tooltip type=”box” html=”Omaha Web Design, UX, UI Web design” box_background_color=”#eeeeee” box_opacity=”0.85″ box_flg_width=”on” box_padding=”10″ box_border_color=”#3F3F3F” box_border_width=”1″ box_border_radius=”0″ id=”637dee41055251043d93588054975b44″ /]
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