What is a Domain Name and Why Do I need It?

A domain name is a website name. A website name is a name you enter on your computer and then your computer is eventually directed over to the web hosting computer that stores that website.

Your computer does not actually work in domain names, but instead, it works with numeric addresses that are called IP addresses. Your computer sends a request with the IP address, and that request is sent on to other servers until it reaches the computer of the web hosting company.

The web hosting computer sends the information over to your computer and you will see the site. You don’t necessarily need a domain, but it is commonly used to navigate the web. Without a domain, your website will not rank well on the search engines.

When you type in a domain name, that information is sent to one or more computers that translate the domain into an Internet address or IP address, and they send the information back to your computer and your computer directs you to the corresponding address.
For more information see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domain_name.

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